Having excellent knowledge on the procedures needed to state a real estate property in the Hellenic Cadaster
Having excellent knowledge on the procedures needed to state a real estate property in the Hellenic Cadaster, our office assumes the checking of the supporting documents that are required, the tracking of the property or the conduct of a Contour Plan for your property, so that your property is stated correctly in the Hellenic Cadaster without any mistakes or omissions.
Moreover, our office can accept the checking of your statement in the Hellenic Cadaster as well as the alteration of any possible errors that may be detected.
The necessary procedures for the correction of a statement in the Hellenic Cadaster are the conduct oof a Contour Plan and the conduct of a Diagram of Geometric Changes
Ποιότητα των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών
Άρτια κατάρτιση των στελεχών μας
Αξιοπιστία ως προς τον χρόνο ολοκλήρωσης των εργασιών